British Standard EN71 Toy Safety Certification
We supply schools and nurseries across the country with a range of pikler inspired climbing frames.
To maintain the highest standards of safety we have all our products independently tested.

What is BS EN 71 Toy Safety Testing & Certification?
BS EN71 Toy Safety Certification is a set of standards specifying toy safety. It covers chemicals and heavy metals, flammability and mechanical properties. The purpose of EN 71 testing is to verify if your product is compliant.
Is EN71 Mandatory?
Since July 2011, all toys sold in the European Union must comply with the European Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. This is enacted in the UK as the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011
The British Standard BS EN 71, which comes in many parts, explains how manufacturers should meet the requirements of the Directive. It states how toys should be manufactured and tested and the safety warnings they must carry. If toys don’t comply, they can be removed from sale.
Ligneus PLAY and EN71
Before our Pikler Inspired toys reach the shelves, Schools and Nurseries they must undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are safe for children. We make the safety of our products a top priority.
What are EN71 Standards?
There are a whole range of standards of which not all will apply to our products. Safety testing a pikler triangle, for example, might include lateral force tests. This ensures the triangles are stable and under normal play will not topple over potentially causing harm. There is a toggle test which tests whether elements of clothing cannot get caught in the frame and lead to choking. From the chemical make up of our paints to the spacing of the rungs every aspect of our Pikler Inspired Range is independently tested. This is why you be confident in the safety of products.
Who carries out your independent testing?
We use Bureau Veritas to carry out our independent testing
What products and ranges are covered by BS EN71?
Our Pikler inspired range of climbing frames and toys have been independently tested for the highest standards of safety.