Made in Britain
MADE IN BRITAIN is a non-profit organisation, limited by guarantee and registered at Companies House.
They bring together the British manufacturing community, united with the use of the registered collective mark. Their marks are protected and can only be used under licence by their members.
The mark offers clients confidence in the provenance of their products.
Ligneus is a member of MADE IN BRITAIN.

How do you identify a Made in Britain member?
Members can be identified by the official collective marks. Made in Britain collective marks unite British manufacturing sectors and help consumers, buyers and specifiers identify products made by their members.
What makes a product “Made in Britain”?
MIB adheres to advice on country of origin labelling included in the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. Country of origin is therefore the country in which a product last underwent a final treatment or process resulting in a substantial change.
As all our products start and finish their manufacturing processes in our workshops there is no question of their MIB status. Visit the MIB Website here
MIB Green Growth Programme
We’re also signed up to the MIB green growth programme and you can read more about the Green Growth Programme here